A downloadable game

Taleen Grist is a 17 year old living in Lystria, a county in the Sunbrian metropolis. She lives with her mother, aunt and another single mother. Taleen wakes up to a new magic one day, passed down through her family, hidden, waiting for the right time to return – whether a time of safety, or a time of need. The environment, while saved by technology, still has healing left to do that technology cannot address. Only her magic potions can restore the chakra points of the planet.

Nature and magic meet future technology. Go on an adventurous journey with your familiar, experience an exciting story, obtain items and combine them to create healing magic to save your planet!

This Visual Novel is a contribution to the 2022 #FemDevsMeetup  #GameJam, the theme of which was "magic".

Listen to the soundtrack on YouTube:

©  Background image used on this itch.io page, the game cover and banner: PlanetSource (CC BY-NC 2.0, retrieved from https://www.planet.com/gallery/#!/post/hurricane-ians-aftermath and modified)


Future-Witch_v03_Windows_Novel-version.zip 52 MB


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Great game, amazing music!

Thank you!

Hey thank you very much. :D

Yeah, our sound artist can be proud of herself.

You make my blush^^ Thank you

Deleted 2 years ago

Thanks mysterious stranger ;3